vrijdag 16 januari 2009


Woke up early to do some cleaning and figured out 2 people sent me a text mssg if I was going out yesterday night, sorry folks I was already asleep.

Yesterday was a fucking boring day, downloaded some ten foot pole, propagandhi and strike anywhere stuff, so the next couple of days I will be listening punkrock.

A couple of days ago I was reading "Metro" this free newspaper which had this letter which shortly said: meat is tasty and I don't care if an animal suffered before it's slaughtered and appears on my plate. Well off course I knew that this guy was provoking and was waiting for a reaction, well he got it, i sendt in a letter in reply to his enormously stupid article.

Well what about this day, have to go to work in 2 hours and tonight I'm gonna hang around with some friends, will be okay I guess. Hope today is over fast, feel kinda alone today...dunno...

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